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Global Buzz Report: September 2020

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Dans le cadre de la continuité de ses activités, après ce long moment de confinement et la fin du projet exécuté avec l’appui  financier du Ministère des Affaires Etrangères du Japon, en collaboration avec ICA-Japon, nous avons maintenu le suivi et les visites dans les villages. Ses visites nous ont permis de voir l’impact dramatique qu’a eu cette pandémie sur la vie de nos populations.  Afin de trouver un projet innovant et facile à réaliser nous avons au niveau d’ICA-CI entamé l’expérimentation  de la culture du champignon pleurote qui va être une source d’autonomisation pour  notre fonctionnement quotidien et aussi pour les populations.

Cette culture de champignon se fait avec des matières organiques faciles à trouver et à exploiter. Il peut aussi se faire avec le compost de fiente de poulet, de cabosse séchée de cacao et de feuille mole… etc.  Il faut juste maîtriser la méthode de préparation de la matière organique pour la production des pleurotes et autres variétés de champignon comestible. 

Nous avons également entamé le projet éducation dans la ville de Brobo par l’ouverture d’une école maternelle privée baptisée Sainte Sato en l’honneur de la grande dame au cœur plein d’amour qui avec le soutien de son époux Wayne ont permis à ICA-CI d’être à ce niveau aujourd’hui. Pour moi personnellement qui depuis 1997  a vu les nombreux projets réalisés en Côte d’Ivoire grâce à leur dynamisme ne peut que rendre immortelle leurs noms à travers l’ouverture des écoles maternelles Sainte Sato à Brobo cette année et l’école Maternelle Saint Wayne à Agboville l’année prochaine. Ce projet si cher à mon cœur est réalisé sur fonds propre, aussi avec l’accompagnement de ICA-CI, sous la tutelle du Ministère de la Femme, de la Famille et de l’Enfant, qui nous appui en conseil et formation des enseignantes au système de formation de la petite enfance. 

Ce projet longtemps murit prend forme maintenant et nous avons reçu l’encouragement des populations et de la chefferie traditionnelle de cette commune qui apprécié à juste valeur l’ouverture de cette école surtout baptisé du nom Sainte Sato cette grande dame humble et au grand cœur.    

Le projet élevage de poulet Momiji se poursuit sur le site de la ferme model à Mûre mais va être transféré sur le site ou se trouve le nouveau bureau  de ICA-CI obtenu grâce à la coopération ICA-Japon et ICA-CI.

New Office of  ICA Côte d’Ivoire

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As part of the continuity of its activities, after this long period of confinement and the end of the project carried out with the financial support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, in collaboration with ICA-Japan, we have maintained the follow-up and the visits in the villages. Its visits allowed us to see the dramatic impact of this pandemic has had on the lives of our populations. In order to find an innovative project and easy-to-implement it, at ICA-CI, we started experimenting with the cultivation of the oyster mushroom, which will be a source of empowerment for our daily functioning and also for the populations.

This mushroom culture is done with organic materials that are easy to find and use. It can also be done with the compost of chicken manure, dried cocoa pod and mole leaf… etc. You just need to master the method of preparing organic matter for the production of oyster mushrooms and other varieties of edible mushrooms.

 We also started the education project in the city of Brobo by opening a private nursery school called Sainte Sato in honor of the great lady with a heart full of love who, with the support of her husband Wayne, allowed ICA-CI to be at this level today. For me personally who since 1997 has seen the many projects carried out in Côte d'Ivoire thanks to their dynamism can only make their names immortal through the opening of the Sainte Sato nursery schools in Brobo this year and the Saint Wayne Nursery School in Agboville next year . This project so dear to my heart is carried out on my own funds, also with the support of ICA-CI, under the supervision of the Ministry of Women, Families and Children, which supports us in advice and training of teachers to the early childhood training system.

This long-maturing project is taking shape now and we have received the encouragement of the populations and the traditional chiefdom of this town who rightly appreciated the opening of this school, especially baptized with the name Sainte Sato, this humble and big-hearted great lady.  

The Momiji chicken breeding project continues on the site of the model farm in Mûre but will be transferred to the site where the new office of ICA-CI is located thanks to the cooperation of ICA-Japan and ICA-CI

Nouveau bureau de ICA Côte d’Ivoire

Kouame Konan         konaneug@gmail.com



July, 2020
Instituto de Asuntos Culturales de Guatemala

Due to the COVID19 pandemic, the government is responding with different actions, one of which is the delivery of food to vulnerable communities. This is a long-term strategy. A government entity planning to deliver food, has requested the population to choose one of these three options; Make barriers in your fields, Humus or family vegetable orchards. So a member of the COCODE, Irene Garrido, acting on behalf of the families of the village El Chorro, requested the Institute to provide seeds for orchards.    

The Institute of Cultural Affairs in response to the pandemic, agreed to provide vegetable seeds like radish, beetroot, onion and coriander, to 180 families. The seed were delivered to the COCODES representative on July 2020. Irene along with other COCODE members, distributed the seeds to the families, who had previously prepared the soil for planting.  Additionally, they have been advised to keep some vegetable plants to obtain seeds. Some of these pictures are before and after they have planted the seeds.

Joaquina Rodríguez Ruz           joaquinaruz@yahoo.com.mx


Brief August Activity Report

The Nepal government lifted the lockdown imposed as a COVID-19 prevention measure in July. However, after witnessing the staggering spike in the number of COVID-19 fatalities and difficulty in managing health care resources, in addition to a fear that the festive season was approaching near, which could exacerbate the situation, the government re-imposed lockdown in mid-August. So far, there are more than 239 fatalities and 18,112 active cases in Nepal. Local shops, businesses, markets have shut their activities at the moment, except for essential goods and services. The Government has requested to maintain social distancing and urged people to wear masks while receiving or providing essential goods and services. Most of the ICA Nepal community development activities have gone digital, and staff are working from home. In the field, where “Work from home” is not possible, field staff are continuing their activities by adhering to all the COVID-19 safety guidelines as issued by the WHO.

International Youth Day Celebrated
Youth force is a significant agent in political, social, and economic changes in any community. The UN General Assembly in 1999 declared that International Youth Day is celebrated every year on the 12th of August. The day is marked to recognize young men and women as competent citizens who promote human rights and development. On this day, societies get enlightened on impediments that youth face in multiple spectrum, such as politics, education, economics, climate, and policies.

The highlight of the August month was our celebration of International Youth Day. Amidst this chaos, ICA Nepal hosted a series of week-long events to mark the occasion of International Youth Day 2020. In the process, ICA Nepal also collaborated with the local government representatives of the district, as well as government officials from the Central body. ICA Nepal collaborated with several other local organizations such as school and local government bodies for carrying out the week-long activities for youth day. Nepal Youth Council, CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation, and Rotary Club of Rudramati backed the event by showing their full support. ICA Nepal stands by the values and mission of these organizations. Janatako Awaz was the media partner for this event. All the financial expenses incurred during the week-long event was borne by ICA Nepal.

The events included street cleaning, tree plantation, badminton competition, essay writing, COVID-19 response workshop, youth facilitative orientation, and youth day rally, The emphasis of the event was the international youth day theme ‘Youth engagement for global action’ and national youth day theme that stressed on entrepreneurship. A total of 134 participants enthusiastically participated in the event and made it successful.

Completion of mobilization seminars and participants selection for the ICA Japan funded project
The unprecedented pandemic COVID-19 delayed the project entitled “Construction of Life Infrastructure and Technical Skill Training for Livelihood Improvement of Residents Destroyed by the Earthquake in Sindhupalchowk, Nepal” by a few months. However, ICA staff are proactively involved in running the project smoothly. As a result, ICA Nepal organized four mobilization seminars, reaching out to more than 68 locals, for creating awareness on the project. Ten participants have been selected for sewing training, which is set to start from the 3rd of this September.

Board meetings gone digital for the first time
ICA Nepal and the ICA Japan office based in Kathmandu, Nepal, both organized their board meetings online, in August separately. The meetings discussed the ongoing programs jointly carried out by both organizations for community development activities. Board members committed to continue supporting the organization.

Social Artistry Teaching and Learning Community
Social Artistry Initiative is one of the core working areas of ICA Nepal. With the support of the Jean Houston Foundation and the Institute of International Social Artistry, ICA Nepal has reached thousands of individuals and facilitated them to explore their inherent capabilities. Hundreds of Social Artistry Practitioners are actively applying Social Artistry tools and methods in their professional and personal lives.

Social Artistry Teaching Learning Community members actively came together in the month of August as well, and we shared knowledge on Gaura Parba - an ethnic Nepali festival, through the lens of Social Artistry. Mr. Amba Datta Bhatta, National Coordinator for Social Artistry, facilitated the session.

Prof. Dr. Tatwa P. Timsina talks about ISO certification in the Rotary Talk Show

Prof. Dr. Tatwa P. Timsina spoke about ISO Certification, and its potential in Nepal, in a talk show hosted by the Rotary Club of Rudramati, Kathmandu. He gave an introduction about ISO certification and discussed on how Nepal can benefit from it with the participants. More than 45 participants joined the talk show.

Report prepared by:
Yunusha Kafle,          yunushakafle@gmail.com
Program Officer


The ICA Social Research Center is in planning stages for an early November virtual gathering as a Global Research Assembly.

To facilitate more participation, we are considering shorter blocks of time over several non-consecutive days, with more globally friendly times. Be watching for more details.

One of our goals is to hear what is happening in your part of the world as we work through finding new and creative ways to share the common wisdom of our last decades with those who need it now in response to new situations.

Past teams have formed some of our common wisdom into nine collections and created an interactive research website which is constantly being updated and expanded. Some collections have more content. than others. Many people are writing new contributions at this time and they will be available soon. Go to: www.icaglobalarchives.org/collections/ to read and browse the collections.

Please plan on attending. We need your energy and insights.

Laura Westbrook Grover           laurab@lauragrover.com
for the Team.

Published by The Institute of Cultural Affairs International,
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