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Global Buzz Report: January 2020

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ICAI Board Report:

Dear ICAI members

Please reserve the date! January 16 2020, for our General Assembly via adobe connect. Agenda and link for the meeting will be shared via email.

Lisseth Lorenzo            lissethlorenzo@gmail.com
President ICAI

The new Winds and Waves magazine

We are delighted to invite you to share your stories
via medium.com/winds-and-waves which is the public platform
we have moved to now, to publish Winds & Waves.
Please see the attachment which sets out how you can now
personally publish your stories for Winds and Waves magazine.

See here W&W@Medium PDF



The ICA West Africa Regional conference which is organized every year in one of the five member countries was held in Ghana from the 18th to the 22nd of November, 2019. The conference was hosted by the Development Institute (representing ICA Ghana), a non-governmental not-for-profit organization working to promote sustainable development in some parts of Ghana, mainly in the Volta Region.The conference took place at the Stevens Hotel in Ho, Volta Region. The purpose of the meeting was to consolidate energies of WA-ICAs for sustainable community development; each member country was represented at the meeting with a total of 14 participants.

Highlights from the event

To officially open the conference, a brief opening ceremony was held and invited guests from some government institutions (such as the Volta Regional Coordinating Council - VRCC), Traditional leaders, representatives from the NGO sector and the media were in attendance. The welcome address was given by the Executive Director of The Development Institute, Mr. Ken Kinney. In his address, he briefly talked about ICAs mission expressing his joy as the host for the fifth ICA-WA conference. He also promised participants a memorable experience in Ghana and also encouraged them to make good use of the opportunity to explore the Ghanaian culture as well as the tourist sites in the region. The Vice President for the ICA-WA, Mr. Yao Gator Adufu in his statement touched on a number of issues including the high rate of youth unemployment in West Africa, the impact of climate change and the role of CSOs in addressing some of these challenges. He also made mention of the Village Savings and Loans Association scheme (VSLA) as a strategy to ensure sustainable financing for community groups as a critical expectation of the conference and edged participants to avail themselves to this opportunity in order to improve the financial mobilization for their beneficiaries. The Volta Regional Coordinator in his statement which was read on his behalf by Ms. Keren Quaye, expressed his support for the ideals of the ICA-WA which include, mobilizing people in communities to identify developmental problems and challenges and generating alternative solutions amongst others. He also encouraged members of the network to adopt sustainable financing mechanisms. The climax of the programme was the official opening which was done by the Representative from the VRCC.

As has always been the norm, each member gave an update of their activities for the year; the session incited interesting discussions and questions amongst participants. Day 1 ended on a good note with each member country well informed on activities of other members. Day 2 was packed with a number of training sessions to equip and strengthen capacities of member countries. Participants were first of all taken through the “Sustainable Community Development Framework” facilitated by Mr. Ken Kinney. This was followed by a session on “Community Sustainable Financial Engineering - Village Savings and Loans Association model”, facilitated by Mr. Clemence Sepenoo Kugbey, Director for Finance and Administration, The Development Institute. The last training session for the day was an interactive session on “Eco-tourism as a tool for community sustainable development - The role of NGOs” facilitated by the Regional Manager for Ghana Tourism Authority, Mr. Alexander Nketia. In his presentation, he touched on issues such as ecotourism and its benefits, sustainable development, community development and tourism in Ghana amongst others. Participants could not hide their excitement discovering the different ways in which ecotourism can contribute towards sustainable development.

For day 3, the team spent the entire day on the field engaging with communities as well as being entertained through cultural music, dance and poetry.After an exciting tour of the The DI model/demonstration organic farm in one of the project communities (Saviefe Gborgame), the team had the opportunity to learn firsthand how the Village Savings and Loans Association scheme (VSLA) known as the Volta Savings Association was being practically operated by some groups from different project communities; the meeting was held in the Kpoeta community. The team showed a lot of interest in the process and asked a number of relevant questions to feed their curious minds. The group made it known that the main goal for establishing the association was to support each other and also protect the environment. The climax was the visit to one of the basic schools in the Kpoeta community where a Biodiversity club has been established (with support from The DI) with the goal to conserve the environment. The club had a nursery which comprised a number of tree species mainly spices (the Kpoeta community can boast of a variety of spices).The pupils displayed the unique Ghanaian culture through singing, drumming and dancing to entertain their guests; the team could not hold back their joy but joined the group as they danced. Some spices as well as fruits such as the miracle berry and coffee were also on display during the visit. After an unforgettable experience on the field from the previous day, day 4 was spent working on a joint proposal on developing cassava value chain in West Africa.

After coming to a consensus on the way forward, the programme ended successfully on day 5 with a brief closing ceremony where members were encouraged by both the Executive Director of The DI and the ICA-WA Vice President to support each other. The programme ended on a very good note with members looking forward to attending the next annual conference in Benin.

Dzifa Kumaga           dkumagah@thedevin.org
For the Development Institute


English translation below
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Bonne et Heureuse Année 2020

L’an 2019 c’est achevé avec en toile de mire la paix dans notre monde actuelle et la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique que nous vivons dans tous les pays de la planète terre. Malgré toutes ses situations désastreuses pour nos différents peuples qui ne trouvent pas de solution adéquate encore, nous continuons d’espérer que cette nouvelle pourra voir un début de mise en œuvre des nombreuses décisions prises pour lutter contre se réchauffement climatique.

Nos activités portées sur l’agroforesterie se poursuivent avec l’entrée en production de certaines palmeraies et aussi de la reprise des activités maraîchères dans la plupart des villages bénéficiaires du projet. La culture du riz expérimental se déroule bien avec l’apport d’engrais bio venu du Japon. Cet engrais que nous utilisons pour la première dans nos champs, nous donne une entière satisfaction quant au comportement des plants dans la rizière. L’application dans la rotation des cultures sur la parcelle du champ model est mise en place avec du maïs, du soja vert et de la tomate améliorée. La tomate et le soja vert sont entrés en floraison, mais nous constatons que le soja est attaqué par une maladie qui tue les jeunes plantes.


Vu que nous sommes en saison sèche nous utilisons la technique de paillage pour réduire l’évaporation de l’eau du sol.

Au niveau de la tomate africaine le développement des plantes encourageant et la floraison que nous avons en cette saison sèche est la preuve que nos bénéficiaires appliquent l’usage du compost dans leurs parcelles.

Pour les poulets Momiji nous avons produit les premiers poussins le 26 Décembre 2019 avec 261 sur 314 œufs mis en incubation. Le constat est que réconfortant et nous permet aussi de comprendre que le taux faible de production de poussins par le passé est en grande partie dû à la longue distance de transport des œufs. Ces poussins ont été acheminés à la ferme de Badoukro, pour y être élevé, ainsi ce village reprend à nouveau l’élevage de poulets. Certains villages qui ont manifestés le désire de recevoir les poussins en bénéficierons les mois avenirs puisque nous allons mettre en fonction les deux incubateurs dans le mois de Janvier 2020

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Happy New Year 2020

The year 2019 is comple with the aim of peace for our world and the fight against global warming. Despite all the disastrous situations for different people we have not found a solution. We continue to hope that this news will see the start of the implementation of the many decisions taken to combat global warming.

Our activities focused on agroforestry continue with the entry into production of certain palm groves and also the resumption of market gardening activities in most of the villages benefiting from the project. Cultivation of the experimental rice is going well with the addition of organic fertilizer from Japan. This fertilizer that we are using for the first time in our fields, gives us complete satisfaction with the behavior of the plants in the rice field. The application in crop rotation on the plot of the model field is implemented with corn, green soybeans and improved tomato. The tomato and green soybeans are in bloom, but we find that the soybeans are attacked by a disease that kills young plants.


Since we are in the dry season we use the mulching technique to reduce the evaporation of water from the soil.

In terms of the African tomato, the encouraging plant development and flowering that we have in this dry season is proof that our beneficiaries are applying the use of compost in their plots.

For Momiji chickens we produced the first chicks on December 26, 2019 with 261 out of 314 eggs incubated. The finding is comforting and also allows us to understand that the low rate of production of chicks in the past is largely due to the long distance of egg transport. These chicks were brought to Badoukro farm to be raised, so this village again resumes chicken farming. Certain villages which have expressed the desire to receive the chicks will benefit from it in the future months since we will be operating the two incubators in the month of January 2020

Kouame Konan         konaneug@gmail.com





  • See here EPDI December 2019 report.pdf

    Report by Hannah Anighoro

Published by The Institute of Cultural Affairs International,
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