Enjoy catching up with what is happening in ICAs across the globe..... If you wish to SEND a report... send to: inform@ica-international.org

To view past issues of Global Buzz: Please see here
To view past issues of Network Exchange: Please see here
To view past issues of Winds & Waves magazine: Please see here

 ICA International here

Global Buzz Report: February 2019

Most pictures will enlarge if you click them. Some have captions

ICAI Board Report:

At our last General Assembly held in December 2018, one of the aims was to introduce new board members giving a short profile of each of them so you can vote at survey monkey.

The nominees for the board are:

Name ICA Roles
Ekta Bromley ICA Canada Secretary
Samantha Sainsbury ICA USA Treasurer
Eric Tseng ICA Taiwan Communication Vice President
John Odolon ICA Uganda Vice President East / Southern Africa

The nomination committee didn’t get proposals for Europe & MENA Vice President, so hopefully in July we will have a nominee. We will let you know when this happens.

We want to thank the service and great job at the board of Seva Gandhi, ICA USA, Shisuyo Sato, ICA Japan and  Svetlana Salamatova, ICA Ukraine. Also thanks  to the board nomination committee – Jeanette Stanfield, Richard Alton, Evelyn Philbrook and Robyn Jutchinson - for the job  done to present nominees for our ICAI board.

Please take a minute to vote for the nominees, a link to survey monkey has already been sent to your email address.


Lisseth Lorenzo

ICAI President

The new Winds and Waves magazine

We are delighted to invite you to share your stories
via medium.com/winds-and-waves which is the public platform
we have moved to now, to publish Winds & Waves.
Please see the attachment which sets out how you can now
personally publish your stories for Winds and Waves magazine.

See here W&W@Medium PDF


English translation below

Séance de sensibilisation des bénéficiaires du projet AVEC de Sokrogbo

Dans le cadre des actions et activités du projet financé par la Banque Mondiale dans les quatre départements de l’Agneby-Tiassa, une mission a été effectuée du 23 au 27 janvier 2019, par une équipe de l’unité de coordination du Conseil Régional et de ICA Côte d’Ivoire. Cette mission avec objectif de :

  • S’assurer de l’existence des huit (8) AVEC,
  • Vérifier les effectifs actuels au niveau de chaque AVEC,
  • apprécier  l’état d’assimilation des formations reçues,
  • Apprécier le niveau d’épargne des AVEC ainsi que les AGR mises en place,
  • identifier les éventuels blocages à la pratique des AVEC,
  • Proposer une stratégie en relation avec le prestataire pour trouver des solutions aux problèmes posés,
  • identifier les besoins pour une meilleure mise en œuvre du projet.
Au cours de cette mission nous avons pu constater la mobilisation des bénéficiaires et les nouvelles personnes qui veulent intégrer ce projet, les membres des AVEC ont maintenant compris que seul eux-mêmes peuvent être acteur de leur bonheur. Ils ont aussi sollicité que l’unité de coordination et la Direction Exécutive de ICA Côte d’Ivoire fassent des visites mensuelles pour les encourager et poursuivre la mobilisation des bénéficiaires. Pour nous assurer du niveau de compréhension de la méthodologie AVEC par les bénéficiaires, ils ont donc mimé une séance de réunion d’épargne.
L’équipe du Conseil Régional et de ICA-CI à Boussoukro
Groupe AVEC 2 en séance de réunion d’épargne (MIME) à Boussoukro
Mission à Grand Yapo

Après cette belle mission qui nous permis de visiter les villages de Boussoukro, Elibou, Grand Yapo et Sokrogbo et de nous assigner ses :


  • Plus d’implication de la cellule projet dans le suivi des trois sous-projets pour une bonne pérennisation ;
  • Rapport théorique régulier aux autorités traditionnelles et coutumières pour leur collaboration ;
  • Mobilisation des jeunes dans les différentes localités pour remplacer les abandons au niveau des bénéficiaires ;
  • Reprise des modules de formation aux bénéficiaires par des formateurs maitrisant la méthodologique AVEC et non aux facilitateurs ;
  • Organisation de missions de sensibilisation et de participation aux AG extraordinaires des huit (8) AVEC dans le mois de février 2019
Séance de travail avec les groupes AVEC d’Elibou

La mission a eu le temps de bien comprendre que l’abandon et le désistement de certains bénéficiaires a été dû aux conditions politiques dans la région suite à l’élection du nouveau Président du Conseil Régional. Nous avons mis cette grande mission à profit pour la remobilisation des populations jeunes de ces différents villages.

Visite au chef du village de Sokrogbo
Groupe AVEC 2 de Sokrogbo en séance de réunion

Pour le suivi du projet de réinsertion des 585 jeunes financé par MOFA, la Direction de ICA-CI a eu une rencontre avec les responsables de la Coopérative créée dans le cadre de ce projet. Cette réunion nous a permis de faire un petit bilan sur la gestion du camion qui a été offert pour aider les bénéficiaires dans le transport de leurs productions.

Il est ressorti que malgré quelques difficultés rencontrées dans chaque village, la gestion du camion et les activités de chaque village se poursuit. Ils nous ont fait comprendre que jusqu'à ce jour une recette de 1 003 900 Francs CFA et des dépenses à hauteur de 575 000 Francs CFA.
Concernant les plans de palmiers dans la plus part des villages le développement est très bon et satisfaisant.

Dans le cadre de sa contribution au développement local et communautaire nous sollicitons l’aide de tous et de chacun pour donner une joie aux populations du village de Malankouassikro qui vivent des misères chaque année en cette période de grande saison sèche. Voici en image l’endroit ou les femmes vont chercher  l’eau  cela à des heures d’attentes.

Toutes aides et don financier peut être fait sur le compte de ICA Côte d’Ivoire qui figure sur le site web : www.ica-cote-divoire.org          

Click pictures to enlarge

Sensitization session for beneficiaries of Sokrogbo's AVEC project

As part of the activities of the World Bank-financed project in the four departments of Agneby-Tiassa, a mission was carried out from 23 to 27 January 2019, by a team from the Coordination Unit of the Regional Council, and from ICA Ivory Coast.

This mission with the objective of:
Ensure the existence of eight (8) WITH,

  • Check current numbers at each VSLA,
  • appreciate the state of assimilation of the training received,
  • Appreciate the savings level of VSLAs as well as the AGRs implemented,
  • identify possible blockages to the practice of AVEC,
  • Propose a strategy in relation with the provider to find solutions to the problems posed,
  • identify the needs for a better implementation of the project.

During this mission we have seen the mobilization of beneficiaries and new people who want to integrate this project, members of VSLAs have now understood that only themselves can be a player of their happiness. They also requested that the coordination unit and the Executive Management of ICA Côte d'Ivoire make monthly visits to encourage them and continue the mobilization of the beneficiaries.

To ensure the level of understanding of the VSLA methodology by the beneficiaries, they therefore mimicked a meeting of savings meeting.

The Régional Council and ICA-CI team in Boussoukro
Group WITH 2 in meeting of savings meeting (MIME) in Boussoukro
Mission to Grand Yapo

After this beautiful mission that allowed us to visit the villages of Boussoukro, Elibou, Grand Yapo and Sokrogbo and to assign us his:


  • More involvement of the project unit in the follow-up of the three sub-projects for good sustainability;
  • Regular theoretical report with traditional and customary authorities for their collaboration;
  • Resumption of training modules to beneficiaries by trainers mastering the methodological AVEC and not the facilitators;
  • Organization of sensitization missions and participation in the extraordinary GAs of the eight (8) AVECs in the month of February 2019.
Working session with Elibou VSLA groups

The mission had time to understand that the abandonment and withdrawal of some beneficiaries was due to the political conditions in the region following the election of the new President of the Regional Council. We have put this great mission to good use for the remobilization of the young populations of these different villages.

Visit to the village chief of Sokrogbo
Sokrogbo Group with 2 in meeting session

To monitor the reintegration project of 585 young people funded by MOFA, the ICA-CI management met with the managers of the Cooperative created under this project. This meeting allowed us to make a small assessment on the management of the truck which was offered to help the beneficiaries in the transport of their productions.
It emerged that despite some difficulties in each village, the management of the truck and the activities of each village continues. They made us understand that up to now a receipt of 1 003 900 CFA Francs and expenses up to 575 000 Francs CFA.
Concerning the plans of palms in the majority of the villages the development is very good and satisfactory.

As part of its contribution to local and community development, we are soliciting the help of everyone to give joy to the people of the village of Malankouassikro who live in poverty each year during the long dry season period. Here are images of where the women go to get water and the condition of the water they can expect.

All help and financial donations can be made to the account of ICA Côte d'Ivoire which can be found on the website: www.ica-cote-divoire.org

Kouame Konan         konaneug@gmail.com



Fourteen people sat calmly in a row, shoulder to shoulder, holding between them over 700 years of experience learning and leading in community development projects around the world. In the air between the fourteen and those who came to hear them speak hung the promise of fourteen stories. Among these stories were a shadow of the collected wisdom that would eventually become the Institute of Cultural Affairs and its Technology of Participation (ToP) methods.

They were: Terry Bergdall, Ann Epps, John Epps, Allan Gammel, Beret Griffith, Maureen Jenkins, Marilyn Oyler, Eunice Shankland, Sherwood Shankland, Bill Staples, Elaine Stover, Nelson Stover, Sunny Walker, and Jean Watts.

They were the torchbearers, those invited to share stories as part of a session titled “Honoring Our Torchbearers and Harvesting Wisdom from Our Communities’ Early Days” during the ToP Network’s Annual Gathering last month.

Many of those who attend these Annual Gatherings are deeply familiar with ICA. But as ToP continues to reach newer and younger audiences, more and more people come to the methods without learning about the history and context from which they emerged. ToP Network members and facilitators Maria Teresa Gastón and Laura Johansson saw this as an opportunity to expand understanding on both sides by bringing together the torchbearers with those willing to carry that flame into the future.

Maria Teresa gave a brief introduction to ICA’s history and accomplishments to set the context, then asked each of the torchbearers to introduce themselves and the story they planned to share. The torchbearers then moved to round tables around the room and invited participants to join them and hear their stories in more depth. Each table had a blank chart paper and markers, which participants used to write and sketch words and phrases that emerged from the stories. Between rounds, participants moved between tables to hear a new set of stories.

The group then reconvened with torchbearers and audience sitting together in a semicircle. At the open end of the circle stood Laura, and behind her a blank white canvas. As she began to lead a reflection among storytellers and listeners alike, a scribe began sketching an image of people lighting torches from a roaring flame. As Laura’s questions raised words, phrases, and images, another scribe moved to sketch on another part of the canvas. When the audience came to articulating emotions and memories, another scribe interpreted them in ink and chalk. By the time the conversation had swelled to finding the significance and importance of the stories shared, four scribes were moving in silent tandem, seamless weaving the threads of conversation and insight into a visual journey.

As the conversation came to a close, the scribes stepped away. At the end of the journey, across from the roaring flame, was a figure waiting with open hands to accept the torch.

While the stories shared about the early days of ICA and ToP were personal, they each became a piece of a greater whole, a fuller kind of understanding that ToP methods are uniquely situated to conjure, capture, and convey.





Human Development

Imaginal Education

Institutes’ History

Social Process

Facilitation Methods

Interior Life

Awakenment Forums

Collaborative Networking

Global Movement

INVITATION - April 14 (arrive)-April 20 (depart)

JOIN us in transforming more than 50 years of programs, projects, methods and training by staff and volunteers into an ICA Archives Website to be launched by the end of the year accessible to anyone in the world.

Nine collections make up our foundational wisdom and experience: Sojourn teams will be working on four of the collections: Social Process, Imaginal Education, Facilitation Methods and Interior Life. Please indicate where you would like to work during the week in your registration information. Email to: jean.long512@gmail.com

The work of the Archives week will include:
  1. In teams, searching the Archives to document past wisdom. <br />
  2. Documenting enhancements to original methods and current adaptations of our work.
  3. Enlivening each Collection with photos, videos and articles, showcasing our work past and present.
  4. Enjoying opportunities to share past and present stories of involvement with the ICA with colleagues old and new.

No previous archive experience needed!
Look at the Expanded Archive Collection Framework on the last page.

Discover where you can help make this transformation from file cabinet to website into a reality, either at the Sojourn or from your home.

  • Where have you done work that you could write a story about?
  • What writing have you already done that could be incorporated?
  • What events of transformation have you seen?
  • What are some updates of these programs that are currently going on?
We need photos, stories, videos. We need typists to retype selected faded documents. We need persons to scan documents. If you are unable to attend, contact someone you've worked with and form your own writing team.

Reserve flights and make room reservations as soon as possible. We would love to have you come early, starting on Thursday, April 11, to help with preparations.

Dates: April 14 (Sunday arrival) * - April 20 (Saturday departure)
Location: ICA Greenrise Learning Lab, 4750 N. Sheridan Road, Chicago, IL 60640
Sleeping rooms: - On the 8th floor – Couples - $45.00; Singles – $30.00 (per bed) (Rooms near the bathrooms go first.)
Food: $30 per day for 3 meals (Monday through Friday)
Parking fee: $7.50/day: $45.00/Sunday - Saturday
Conference fee: $30.00 to cover conference materials and expenses
Payment: Visa, MasterCard, Discover Card, Check
To register: Send an email to register to Jean Long jean.long512@gmail.com Please include the following information:

  1. Name(s) address, email and phone number of those registering.
  2. Dates of arrival and departure.
  3. Please select the collection(s) where you would like to work (referring to the Website Collection Framework Chart on the next page). See Here

Andrew Clayton           aclayton@ica-usa.org


Published by The Institute of Cultural Affairs International,
401 Richmond Street West, Toronto, ON. M5V 3A8 Canada
All rights reserved.

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