User Stories for Peacebuilding

[5/24/12 11:06:13 AM]
Catherine Tornbom added jean kwatts to this conversation with motoko and wayne

As a team leader....

As a theme leader I would like...

As a participant I would like....

As a virtual participant...

As a llimited English speaking participant...

as a peace meditator . . .

As a nonprofit staff member...

As a world wide user I would like ....

As a content provider I would like my information to be easily shared with both onsite participants and virtual participants.

As a theme leader I hope for peace-building actions to be a result of the conference.

As a participant at the the conference I look forward to integrating the information that will be shared during the virtual meetings prior to the conference.

As a participant during the conference I look forward to integrating the pre-conference information shared during virtual meetings AND looking for the fresh-insights from the integration.

As particpants we need a "place" to meet virutally to conduct action planning.

As an elected politician concerned about governance I would like to see policy that results in long term meaningful peace.

As a career govenment professional I would like to see my actions directly support a sustainable, long lasting structures.

As a youth growing up in a war-torn country I would like a way to be influential.

As a woman despartely facing starvation and family disentigration, the loss of home and friends, I would like my voice to be honored,  heard, and acted upon. I represent 70% of the world.

As a soldier and potential recipient of peace-making activities, I would like to find new alternatives to war as a vocation. Please share fresh new ideas with us. We need a platform to share new fresh ideas.

 [5/24/12 12:34:08 PM] Catherine Tornbom: Call ended1 hour 27 minutes 56 seconds  Next: June 5, 11am  Wayne add Keli and Ishi and Mendel